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Pierluisi makes the moral and practical case for statehood

On November 15, 2010, Puerto Rico’s Resident Commissioner, Pedro Pierluisi, addressed the Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association at George Washington University to discuss the importance of Puerto Rican statehood and the upcoming status plebiscite on the Island.  In his remarks, Pierluisi stressed his belief that the question of statehood has both “a moral component and a practical component” and that statehood “is both the most principled status choice and the most prudent status choice.”Read More »Pierluisi makes the moral and practical case for statehood

Pierluisi Calls for Equal Treatment for All American Citizens Regardless of Residency

Puerto Rico’s Resident Commissioner, Pedro Pierluisi, took to the Floor of the U.S. House of Representatives on May 17 to call for “equal treatment for all American citizens, regardless of where they reside.” Citing the territory’s ineligibility for core components of the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, Pierluisi asserted that the unequal treatment of U.S. citizens in federal programs targeting the most vulnerable populations amounts to “geographic discrimination.” Read More »Pierluisi Calls for Equal Treatment for All American Citizens Regardless of Residency

Santorum’s Misstep

Republican candidate Rick Santorum was busy wooing Puerto Rican voters in the primary when he remarked,“As in any other state, you have to comply with this and any federal law. And that is that English has to be the main language. There are other states with more than one language as is the case in Hawaii, but to be a state in the United States, English has to be the main language.”Read More »Santorum’s Misstep